Air Conditioning

Did you know North Carolina summer temperatures reach over 90 degrees? This causes your A/C system to work strenuously every day to keep your home cool and comfortable. Is your system up to par? If not, call Mario's Heating & Air we will come out and do a thorough maintenance inspection.

If your Air Conditioning System is need of maintenance or repair, reach out to us for customized service and affordable pricing. Mario's Heating and Air has been servicing our community for over 10 years, a team you can depend on!

Troubleshooting Tips

  1. Check for dirty air filter and air vents. If the air filter is dirty replace as soon as possible. Make sure nothing is blocking the air vents.

  2. Check Thermostat settings. Make sure your thermostat is set up correctly.

  3. Check your outdoor unit. Make sure it is running and not making any funny noises.

  4. CALL US! We will be more than happy to check your unit out and make sure it is running properly.